Getting found on the internet is obviously a big thing for anyone in business to want to promote in the best way they can. So many options... organic search, pay-per-click advertizing... and one of the reasons I like the setup on Merchant Circle.
Well here's a contender from the Google camp that looks set to open the doors to Local Search for business in a way that has been largely overlooked until now. Enter Google Local Search Center.
I've added some info and photographs and some coupons, for my business, and I'll be interested to see if there is any response, and what form that might take, and how long it might take to start appearing in the searches for business coaching in my areas.
If you've had some success with Google Local Search, I'd love to see your feedback.
And for those who still think small business doesn't need to be visible on the net. You're right. It isn't for you. It is for your customers.
Here's how it works.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
Local Web Search. Not Just For Aliens!
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Twitter, MyBLogLog & New Friends
Twitter is a bit of a recent commitment for me, and the same for MyBlogLog. Actually, the whole blogging, micro or otherwise is something I'm still finding my way around, or perhaps "finding my voice" as they say.
So anyway, I've added this pic to my profile on Twitter for now, since it seemed silly not to have something that was at least a bit informative on my profile there. This will probably change over time, since I like variety, and no doubt I'll want to "say" more things over time.

For all my new Followers, thanks! And for all the new people I am following, I look forward to learning more about you, and from you, and perhaps return the favour in some small way.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
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So anyway, I've added this pic to my profile on Twitter for now, since it seemed silly not to have something that was at least a bit informative on my profile there. This will probably change over time, since I like variety, and no doubt I'll want to "say" more things over time.

For all my new Followers, thanks! And for all the new people I am following, I look forward to learning more about you, and from you, and perhaps return the favour in some small way.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Download your free 24 Page Action Plan Marketing Workbook!
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
Where the Hell Is ...Your Viral VIdeo?
Have to love this social networking stuff. A query from Twitter prompted me to go looking for Top 20 viral videos
Of course that's where I found Matt's video (below), showing his travels around the world and showing us how entertaining a simple idea can be.
Business can become very boring and serious. Well, at least that's how some like to think that presenting a professional image must be. I don't believe it. Let me see who is having fun and doing some great work and innovating in different ways that I might like to emulate in some way to repurpose into another context.
Are we having fun yet?
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
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Of course that's where I found Matt's video (below), showing his travels around the world and showing us how entertaining a simple idea can be.
Business can become very boring and serious. Well, at least that's how some like to think that presenting a professional image must be. I don't believe it. Let me see who is having fun and doing some great work and innovating in different ways that I might like to emulate in some way to repurpose into another context.
Are we having fun yet?
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
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Monday, July 14, 2008
Be Inspired! - The Youngest
I was delighted to meet Hans Anneveld this week and learn about his great work that he's doing over at ArtKids.
This is brilliant in several ways.
Firstly, the great visual impact these pictures have and how joyful they are to look at. Absolutely inspiring! And I love the spin off benefits to those involved to. Very nice working model and you can read about how they turn a drawing by a child into precious art
at ArtKids website
I'm Loving This!
What are YOU staring at everyday, that might be a product that you could use to enhance your business?
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
This is brilliant in several ways.
Firstly, the great visual impact these pictures have and how joyful they are to look at. Absolutely inspiring! And I love the spin off benefits to those involved to. Very nice working model and you can read about how they turn a drawing by a child into precious art
at ArtKids website
Secondly, how inspirational to see how a simple everyday thing that we might see on any day, stuck to someone's refrigerator, can be captured forever - and turned into a vibrant business idea too!
I'm Loving This!
What are YOU staring at everyday, that might be a product that you could use to enhance your business?
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
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Be Inspired! - The Oldest
Bye Bye Olive!
'World's oldest blogger' dies at 108
News just in that Olive Riley, has Gone To God, as they say.
108! Amazing. *sniff* Just goes to show those complaining about being "too old"
are just making excuses.
Olive, you've been an inspiration and the world is a better place for your having passed this way.
Read about Olive here
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
'World's oldest blogger' dies at 108
News just in that Olive Riley, has Gone To God, as they say.
108! Amazing. *sniff* Just goes to show those complaining about being "too old"
are just making excuses.
Olive, you've been an inspiration and the world is a better place for your having passed this way.
Read about Olive here
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
Friday, July 11, 2008
Why You Should Be On LinkedIn
I was asked by a friend recently, who is very much into business networking in person and on the ground, why his members should think about adding LinkedIn to their toolkit and accept those invites that they'd been receiving from time to time but didn't really know why they should accept a connection from a colleague, to join them on LinkedIn. Here's my response.
Why You Should Be On LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the pre-eminent professional business networking platform and provides a great way to create a means of keeping track of, and in contact with those business contacts that you have made in recent times, in times to come, and even those people who you've known throughout your working and school life.
For many people the idea of joining a network group like LinkedIn seems to be a strange thing to do and really, they don't understand why they might want to be involved. After all, they have their contacts in their address book already right? They know where they can reach those people they want to talk to, and that's all they need...isn't it?
Here's the difference. LinkedIn does itself become a database of your contacts, a 'back-up' of your business contacts and useful in that respect. But it is far more. What it really is, is a door to opening your opportunity to meet those people of influence in the lives of the people with whom you already share a connection, and a set of tools to enable you to access the collective wisdom of this super-extended network.
So how can you use LinkedIn?
There are many ways to use LinkedIn and each person will find a way that suits their own needs at the time. This may start out as a simple collection of your contacts, but may develop into quite different uses over time.
Some other ways that people use LinkedIn...
• Your business contact database backup
• Introductions to people you want to meet
• Identifying the decision makers in the companies with whom you want to do business
• Getting feedback on ideas or questions that you may have from specific industry specialists
• Expanding your professional network
• Growing your understanding of the things that are important to people you know
• Being visible to your market
• Prestige of being prominent in your profession
• Online endorsements of your work, by those who know and respect you, are available to all to see online
• Opportunity to give to those individuals, whose professional expertise you regard highly, a written endorsement, is a great gift to extend to your contacts, and is at the heart of "Giving First"
• Show that you are up-to-speed on current networking methods using technology to spread your name further
• Access new work or business opportunities
• Recruit new staff
• Check out people you want to learn about
• Connect with potential business venture partners
• Meet people in new markets that you might want to develop
• Reconnect with professional people with whom you've lost touch.
• Share your expertise
Every day, there are many people, as a result of LinkedIn, signing new business, hiring new people, getting new jobs, meeting new people of influence, and getting answers from specialists, expanding their own circle of influence and helping others in their network to achieve more.
As you think about it now… How might using LinkedIn help you achieve more?
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
Why You Should Be On LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the pre-eminent professional business networking platform and provides a great way to create a means of keeping track of, and in contact with those business contacts that you have made in recent times, in times to come, and even those people who you've known throughout your working and school life.
For many people the idea of joining a network group like LinkedIn seems to be a strange thing to do and really, they don't understand why they might want to be involved. After all, they have their contacts in their address book already right? They know where they can reach those people they want to talk to, and that's all they need...isn't it?
Here's the difference. LinkedIn does itself become a database of your contacts, a 'back-up' of your business contacts and useful in that respect. But it is far more. What it really is, is a door to opening your opportunity to meet those people of influence in the lives of the people with whom you already share a connection, and a set of tools to enable you to access the collective wisdom of this super-extended network.
So how can you use LinkedIn?
There are many ways to use LinkedIn and each person will find a way that suits their own needs at the time. This may start out as a simple collection of your contacts, but may develop into quite different uses over time.
Some other ways that people use LinkedIn...
• Your business contact database backup
• Introductions to people you want to meet
• Identifying the decision makers in the companies with whom you want to do business
• Getting feedback on ideas or questions that you may have from specific industry specialists
• Expanding your professional network
• Growing your understanding of the things that are important to people you know
• Being visible to your market
• Prestige of being prominent in your profession
• Online endorsements of your work, by those who know and respect you, are available to all to see online
• Opportunity to give to those individuals, whose professional expertise you regard highly, a written endorsement, is a great gift to extend to your contacts, and is at the heart of "Giving First"
• Show that you are up-to-speed on current networking methods using technology to spread your name further
• Access new work or business opportunities
• Recruit new staff
• Check out people you want to learn about
• Connect with potential business venture partners
• Meet people in new markets that you might want to develop
• Reconnect with professional people with whom you've lost touch.
• Share your expertise
Every day, there are many people, as a result of LinkedIn, signing new business, hiring new people, getting new jobs, meeting new people of influence, and getting answers from specialists, expanding their own circle of influence and helping others in their network to achieve more.
As you think about it now… How might using LinkedIn help you achieve more?
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
business coaching,
reasons join LinkedIn
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Clare Oliver Melanoma Activist. RIP
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
business coaching
Thursday, July 03, 2008
An Open Letter To The Small Business Owner

It has come to my attention over the years, moreover and in such a manner in recent days, that it seems but fitting to address some issues which have been seemingly passed-over by many and in such case, as has allowed certain assumptions to go without challenge, in the world of small business and those who would run one.
This letter seeks to address but some few of these issues, but issues nonetheless, that need some light shone upon them, in the interests of the health of small business, the sake of the customers that small business serves, and the staff who are tasked to work therein.
In short, it is for the benefit of everyone, since our society is built on the back of, and needs to maintain, a healthy and vigorous and profitable small business sector.
1 Your Customers Are The Biggest Asset In Your Business
2 Serving Your Customers Is The Essence From Which Will Spring The Health And Prosperity Of Your Business
3 You Cannot Serve Your Customers Superbly When Your Business Has No Standard For Procedures And Policies
4 Your Business Will Stumble Until Your Systemize And Streamline Procedures, Responsibilities, Accountabilities And Processes.
5 Your Staff Is (Or Should Be) The Other Single Greatest Asset In Your Business.
6 Your Staff Cannot Be The Best They Can Be...If You Fail To Provide Them With The Instruction, Skills And Feedback They Need To Do So.
7 If You Are Indeed, The Best Worker In Your Business, You Are Failing Your Staff, Your Customers And Your Business.
Consider these points carefully. If they apply to your business, then you have the power to do something about correcting them.
Please do so. For the sake of us all.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Subscribe to Actionbites Blog
business coaching,
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Advising: How Much Is - Too Much or Too Little ?
Speaking with an accountant client, the subject comes up that the economy is tightening up and small business are starting to feel the pinch. I'm sure they are, and what is more, I'm sure it isn't going to get better any time soon!
When small businesses report difficulty, then it is likely that that's when it becomes very clear, that the broken parts of their business are going to be come apparent. When the bills stop getting paid and the wages bill becomes an issue to pay, and the rent is past due, it is going to be all too clear that the business is suffering a systemic failure and all it's 'vital organs' are going to be affected.
Too bad. From an accountant's point of view, that is the time when the client also doesn't have the money to pay for help out of the situation. When your business is falling apart, what will you do to fix your business? Who will you turn to, and how will you pay them? ...Or does it follow, as some small business people seem to think... that someone should help them out of it (even if it is possible) with no real prospect of being paid for their efforts?
That the accountant wasn't assisting to manage the business and avoid this mess, is another issue for another post.
It can't stressed enough, that the time to get help in your business is before it is on the verge of collapse!.
Any time is a good time to get a review done of how your business is travelling. Do it it often! There is never a time that people typically "want" to spend money on preventative measures to ensure the health of their business. Nevertheless, that's probably the only time someone can help.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
When small businesses report difficulty, then it is likely that that's when it becomes very clear, that the broken parts of their business are going to be come apparent. When the bills stop getting paid and the wages bill becomes an issue to pay, and the rent is past due, it is going to be all too clear that the business is suffering a systemic failure and all it's 'vital organs' are going to be affected.
Too bad. From an accountant's point of view, that is the time when the client also doesn't have the money to pay for help out of the situation. When your business is falling apart, what will you do to fix your business? Who will you turn to, and how will you pay them? ...Or does it follow, as some small business people seem to think... that someone should help them out of it (even if it is possible) with no real prospect of being paid for their efforts?
That the accountant wasn't assisting to manage the business and avoid this mess, is another issue for another post.
It can't stressed enough, that the time to get help in your business is before it is on the verge of collapse!.
Any time is a good time to get a review done of how your business is travelling. Do it it often! There is never a time that people typically "want" to spend money on preventative measures to ensure the health of their business. Nevertheless, that's probably the only time someone can help.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
What You Do - And How You Do It. Product-ification!
I've been considering the different ways that busineses operate, some selling tangible, hold-them-in-your-hand products that are a size to compare, quality to compare and price range that you can compare with another at another store or website. Then I'm thinking about services, how do we make that as seemingly easy to buy, as easy to compare and importantly, how to package it up to make it easy to buy?
Australia Post must have been thinking along these lines with their recent poster campaign...

Well services aren't products, and while there may be some comparison in some industries, it is essential in order to qualify that value, to know that one is comparing like to like. For example, in many coaching, business development services, the coach/consultant will work with you to determine what is your next action to take... and leave you with it! In my experience, that is often where the wheels fall off, because the business owner doesn't already have a strategy to use, in order to DO that! That's precisely why they have stalled and not taken care of addressing that very issue!
Speak to anyone from the insurance industry and they will tell you "it's harder to sell intangibles..." Well, I'm not so sure that is true. Some people buy a drill just to have drill. For others like me, they buy a drill so they can stick a screw in the wall to hang something on. Now I don't much care about drills, or screws, or masonry, but if I want to fix something to that wall, then you can bet that I'm going to buy a drill to do it. The drill is a means to my end, not an end in itself. Products and services are not so different. We buy insurance, not because we love insurance, but because we love our family and we know that we have enough to contend with, just making ends meet at the best of times. We also know that we may not have enough in the case of an emergency of crisis proportions - or if we do, we might prefer to spend Someone Else's money at that time - not our savings!
Business coaching is like that. Marketing is like that. Business resources are like that. We don't necessarily want to spend the money, but if we know what spending that money can give us as an outcome... a good result... then we understand what is a priority and what is not. To us. As it must always be, a value according to what is important to us.
It really is up to us, we brave souls out there pushing our imaginery barrow full of intangible benefits, to communicate that value, to those who would seek it.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
Australia Post must have been thinking along these lines with their recent poster campaign...

Well services aren't products, and while there may be some comparison in some industries, it is essential in order to qualify that value, to know that one is comparing like to like. For example, in many coaching, business development services, the coach/consultant will work with you to determine what is your next action to take... and leave you with it! In my experience, that is often where the wheels fall off, because the business owner doesn't already have a strategy to use, in order to DO that! That's precisely why they have stalled and not taken care of addressing that very issue!
Speak to anyone from the insurance industry and they will tell you "it's harder to sell intangibles..." Well, I'm not so sure that is true. Some people buy a drill just to have drill. For others like me, they buy a drill so they can stick a screw in the wall to hang something on. Now I don't much care about drills, or screws, or masonry, but if I want to fix something to that wall, then you can bet that I'm going to buy a drill to do it. The drill is a means to my end, not an end in itself. Products and services are not so different. We buy insurance, not because we love insurance, but because we love our family and we know that we have enough to contend with, just making ends meet at the best of times. We also know that we may not have enough in the case of an emergency of crisis proportions - or if we do, we might prefer to spend Someone Else's money at that time - not our savings!
Business coaching is like that. Marketing is like that. Business resources are like that. We don't necessarily want to spend the money, but if we know what spending that money can give us as an outcome... a good result... then we understand what is a priority and what is not. To us. As it must always be, a value according to what is important to us.
It really is up to us, we brave souls out there pushing our imaginery barrow full of intangible benefits, to communicate that value, to those who would seek it.
Thinking Of Getting A Business Coach?
Lindy Asimus
business coach,
business coaching,
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