Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Put Your Sandals On Your Head - Taking Action

Ordinary Mind Zendo

The buddhist tradition involves many sometimes crytic but ultimately thought-provoking teaching tales known as Koans. Here is one that seems to touch on a topic that is close to my heart, as the endless procession of talking not doing seems to occur at every turn. In business there seems to often be a lot of talking and much less formulation of the talk into an action plan and the action plan then followed through to full implementation and achievement of intended result.

In your own experience, have you talked about what you want to do or achieve, and yet never got beyond that loop of discussion?

See if you can relate some experiences you have had where talking goes on and on and around and around with no clear action ensuing. Perhaps the thought here is: Act Now.

Nansen Kills The Cat.

Once the monks of the eastern and western Zen halls were quarrelling about a cat. Nansen held up the cat and said, "You monks! If one of you can say a word, I will spare the cat. If you can't say anything, I will put it to the sword." No one could answer, so Nansen finally slew it. In the evening, when Joshu returned, Nansen told him what had happened. Joshu, thereupon, took off his sandals, put them on his head and walked off. Nansen said, "If you had been there, I could have spared the cat." Click on the link to discover the analysis of this koan.
Nansen Kills The Cat . A Koan

...And put your sandals on your head!

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